Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Essential Oil Market Update

Price increases still coming in for several of our popular oils. Bulgarian Lavender still increasing in price and is now nearly triple the costs of over a year ago.  The 50% shortage in production highly driving the price up.  Lemon is now moving upward in price due to a worldwide shortage of 12.5%.  Grapefruit, Orange, and Lime are still holding steady at this time in spite of low yields. Tangerine may also be going higher due to small supplies. Geranium has doubled in price due to the drought causing a 40% reduction in China.  Ginger, Citronella and Eucalyptus are also effected by this and continue moving up in price.  Cardamom has also doubled due 20-30% reduction in production. Clove production is also down by 15%. Finally, Black Pepper oil may be increasing as well due to supply constraints.  We continue to try and stock all these oils but are experiencing delays due these shortages and price fluctuations.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Essential Oil Market Update

It appears that prices for essentials oils are on the rise again.  Due to the worldwide recession, reduced production, limited stock and dramatic strange weather all these factors are combining together to trend upward on prices for most oils.  Lavender, Orange, and Cinnamon oils are being effected in particular at this time. We will continue updating as more information arises.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Essential Oil Market Update

2010 is starting out to be a year where weather dramatically effects essential oil crops and production. We already are seeing higher prices for many of the essential oils from China due to the drought effecting the crops growth and the government prohibiting water from being used at the distillation facilities. This effects Eucalyptus Globulus, Geranium, Ginger, Litsea, and Valerian. The Eucalyptus crop alone is seeing a 40% drop in availability compared to last year. Rains and frost have had a large impact on the citrus crops this year and are effecting Petitgrain, Orange, Lime, and Lemon oils, which are all seeing slightly higher prices. Grapefruit is also slowly drifting up in price even though there is low demand. Tangerine oil is holding flat in price in spite of the El Nino effect but Clove is increasing in price because of a shortfall in production by 15%. Bulgarian Lavender has been effected by poor weather and disease which is resulting in production being 50% of normal, thus raising the prices for the shortage. We also are seeing higher prices due to conditions not related to weather such as higher production costs in Indonesia. This is effecting Clovebud, Nutmeg and Patchouli oils. Lemongrass is trending higher because of adulteration coming out of some of the facilities in India. India's production shortfall of 20-30% is effecting Cardamom but prices seem to be holding steady at this time. Coriander, Cinnamon, and Rosewood are all likely to go higher because of shortages in supply. As we receive further updates we will post changes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Reform and Essential Oil Therapy

Today President Obama signed the new health care reform act increasing coverage to millions of uninsured citizens of the United States. This legislation does not go as far as universal coverage for all americans but it is a step in the right direction and does start the ball rolling by at least getting many citizens the needed care they deserve and could not previously afford.

Last night on Larry King Live they had a panel that included Andrew Weil discussing some of the bill and both the good and bad points.  As Mr. Weil clearly pointed out this is more health insurance reform than actual health reform.  This bill does not change the heavy focus of doctors on using costly prescription drugs when there are cheaper (and safer) alternatives nor does it focus action to prevention rather than disease management.  Prevention is the key to bringing down medical costs and  improving quality of life.  That is why many are turning to alternative medicine practices and treatments.

Essential oil therapy and essential oils are still at this time an underused modality that can give great care and benefit to patients.  We have seen that the use of essential oils in hospice care and cancer treatment have a big impact to the patients quality of life and that is to just name a few areas where it is used medicinally.  We also have to look at the health benefits essential oils bring to the massage and spa community clients. Essential oils are being researched and case studies taken to build a more comprehensive view on the preventative and restorative medicinal value of these items.

As this health care debate moves further forward in the next few years hopefully more inclusions to the alternative medicine and prevention aspects will be addressed to improve everyones health care more so than just their health costs coverage.